County of Asotin
Regional Stormwater Program
Inform. Educate. Prevent.
Public Participation and Involvement
A major part of the Stormwater Management Plan process is the inclusion of public comments and participation. The Plan is not meant to be a burden on the residents of the Cities and the County, it is meant to be a tool that aids in protecting the quality of our surface waters, namely Asotin Creek and the Snake River. We want to encourage the public to attend upcoming stakeholder meetings (meetings will be announced and advertised when scheduled) and become actively involved in the planning process.
Public Involvement Policy
The Cities and County adopted stormwater public involvement policies to help guide how citizens will be able to provide input into the process of developing and implementing our stormwater programs. Please watch for stormwater related advertisements, fact sheets, workshops, open houses, public hearings, and study sessions as the program development process continues.
Asotin County Public Participation Resolution